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Why are girls so angry?

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Why are girls so angry?

Globally, girl have become angrier on average over the past 10 years, according to Gallup’s annual poll. why? we want to know, Why are girls so angry?

Two years ago, as Tasha Renee stood in her kitchen, a deep, dark, hollow scream came from the depths of her lungs. This took her by surprise.

Why are girls so angry?

Emotion is the midst of a pandemic and she had had enough. For the past 20 minutes, she’s been walking around her house, listing out loud all the things that make her angry.

She felt an intense physical release, after the scream.

Lina and her partner Jacqueline Faith have been calling women from around the world to heal the divine wrath on Zoom. Talking about all the things that make them angry and then talking.

For many of the women involved, it was transformative.

Women are getting angrier, according to a rights news time analysis of 10 years of data from the Gallup World Poll.

Each year, the poll surveys more than 120,000 people in more than 150 countries, including asking them how they felt during most of the previous day.

Especially when it comes to negative emotions. Anger, sadness, stress, and anxiety—women consistently report more than men.

A News Rights Time analysis found that since 2012, more women than men are sad. and feeling anxious. Although there is a steady upward trend for both sexes.

However, the gap with men is widening when it comes to anger and stress.

In 2012, both sexes reported similar levels of anger and stress.

Nine years later, women were angrier -up six points – and more stressed. Particular divides have arisen during the pandemic.

American therapist Sarah Harmon is not surprised. In early 2021, she gathered a group of female clients to stand and scream in a field.

I’m a mom of two young kids working from home and this intense, low-level frustration is building up to extreme anger,- she said.

A year later, she set foot on the battlefield again. It was a viral scream,” she said.

It was picked up by a reporter on one of her online mom’s groups, and suddenly reporters were calling from all over the world.

Sarah believes she taps into what women around the world are feeling.

The intense frustration that the burden of the pandemic has fallen on them disproportionately.

A 2020 survey by the Institute for Fiscal Studies of almost 5,000 parents in heterosexual relationships.

England found that mothers took on more family responsibilities than fathers during the lockdown.

As a result, they work fewer hours. This is true even if they are the higher income earners in the household.

In some countries, the difference between the number of men. And women who said they were angry the previous day was much higher than the global average.

In Cambodia, the gap is 17 percentage points in 2021, compared to 12 percentage points in India and Pakistan.

Are Women More Emotional Than Men? Latest 2022


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